Thursday, 6 April 2006

MdS the journey to OZZ never ends

Hi team,
At Casablanca airport. The city of non qwerty keyboards.  Looks like someone has sqitched all the keys around on this keyboard for a joke.
Met my first runners at Heathrow. Everyone has a lighter pack than me, no one is prepared, everyone scared as hell. And they're all skinnier.
Flying into casblanca reveals no sand but different architecture. did a few reps up the travelator with the full pack. All the F2P ache has gone and raring to go.
London was freezing and was worried about losing all my summer aclimatisation in my 26hrs in london..
I'll use this as a test to see if I can update the blog from yahoo mail..

Win a BlackBerry device from O2 with Yahoo!. Enter now.


At 6 April 2006 at 9:04 am, Blogger 2P said...

Um - it appears to work ;-)


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